Rates, Fees & Policies

Listed below, you will find our rates, fees, and policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will be happy to provide it for you.

Water Rates Effective January 1, 2024

Standard 3/4-inch Meter Water Rates

Monthly Minimum:
Water Included w/ Minimum Bill:
2,000 gallons
Tier (gal.): $/1,000 gal.:
2,001-8,000 $8.06
8,001-16,000 $8.26
over 16,000 $8.46

Water meters are read each month. Please contact our office for any additional information.

Average Water Bill

6,000 gallons $52.06

1-inch Meter Water Rates

Monthly Minimum:
Water Included w/ Minimum Bill:
8,000 gallons
Tier (gal.): $/1,000 gal.:
8,000-16,000 $8.26
over 16,000 $8.46

1 1/2-inch Meter Water Rates

Monthly Minimum:
Water Included w/ Minimum Bill:
11,000 gallons
Tier (gal.): $/1,000 gal.:
11,000-16,000 $8.26
over 16,000 $8.46

2-inch Meter Water Rates

Monthly Minimum:
Water Included w/ Minimum Bill:
19,000 gallons
Tier (gal.): $/1,000 gal.:
over 19,000 $8.46

Tap Fees

Tap fees include: impact, meter, tap, and connection fees. The user fees are listed separately below. The tap fee and user fee are both required to be paid in order to establish a new water service.
Meter Size Tap Fee Amount
Standard 3/4-inch $2,765
1-inch $5,030
1 1/2-inch $9,790
2-inch $18,000

Meters above 2-inches are installed by a contractor and the tap fees are based on the number of equivalent residential units.

User Fees

User fees are based on the meter size and if you are an owner or a builder. The user fee will be returned to you when the water service is discontinued minus whatever you owe on your account.
Meter Size User Fee Amount
Standard 3/4-inch for an owner $75
1-inch for an owner $100
1 1/2-inch for an owner $125
2-inch for an owner $200
Any size for a builder $200

Late Notices and

Disconnection of Water Service due to Non-Payment

As a reminder to our customers, please read the attached information regarding penalty information.

Service Fee

There is a service fee for the connection and/or transfer of an account to a new owner or tenant.
3/4" Meter $ 35
1" Meter $ 40
1 1/2" Meter $ 50
2" Meter $ 60

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